Chapter 15:02 DANGEROUS DRUGS ACT Acts 28/1955, 1/1996, 22/2001, 23/2004. SI’s 93/2010 and 161/2012. ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS PART I PRELIMINARY Section PART II COCA LEAVES, INDIAN HEMP AND RAW OPIUM PART III [repealed by Act 23 of 2004 with effect from the 1st July, 2006.] PART IV MEDICINAL OPIUM, COCAINE, MORPHINE AND OTHER DRUGS Chapter […]

Public Relations Unit

The office is responsible for coordinating the development and implementation of the Ministry’s public relations strategy. The Public Relations Office is the bridge between the Ministry, patients, it’s clients, the general public and the media. The unit oversees the development and cascading of the patients’ charter, complaints procedures and production of the Ministry’s quarterly magazine. […]

MoHCC receives medical commodities worth US$ 9.2 million

 Health Resilience Fund (HRF) handed over medical equipment and supplies worth over USD$9.2 million to Zimbabwe’s Ministry of Health and Child Care at National Pharmaceutical Warehouse in Harare on 4 July 2024. The HRF funding partners are the European Union, the Governments of Ireland and the United Kingdom, and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, while UNFPA, UNICEF […]

Drug problem: A global pandemic from US to Zim

Over the past few years, Zimbabwe has been battling the scourge of illicit drugs and narcotics, which is slowly gnawing at the younger generation. A few weeks ago, the nation was shocked when it emerged that learners at a top girls’ school in Harare had abused drugs during a school trip, leading to the expulsion […]

Zim on alert for Marbug virus

THE Government has taken steps to strengthen surveillance, particularly at the ports of entry, and has activated response teams following cases of Marburg virus reported in the region. The response plan was announced by Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health and Child Care Air Commodore Dr Jasper Chimedza in statement.

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